Sustainability is at the forefront of every project, decision, and initiative that SEI considers.
In the 21st century, it is imperative that it constantly remains top of mind.
What does Sustainability & Resilient Design look like at SEI?

South Lewis Wood Chip Boiler
It looks like the use of the most innovative environmentally supporting technologies and materials in all of our designs.

Gates Chili CSD EV Buses
It looks like dedicated personnel keeping up with the cutting edge research and advancements in renewables because if you’re not aware of them, you’re certainly not utilizing them.

Syracuse City ITC
LEED Certified
It looks like every design decision – micro and macro – being considered through the lens of maximum efficiency and minimum carbon footprint.
South Lewis Wood Chip Boiler
It looks like the use of the most innovative environmentally supporting technologies and materials in all of our designs.
Gates Chili CSD EV Buses
It looks like dedicated personnel keeping up with the cutting edge research and advancements in renewables because if you’re not aware of them, you’re certainly not utilizing them.
Syracuse City ITC
LEED Certified
It looks like every design decision – micro and macro – being considered through the lens of maximum efficiency and minimum carbon footprint.
We fully understand that as designers and architects we play a crucial, frontline role in mitigating the effects of climate change.
We have and will continue to lead in the movement toward solar, hydro, electric, wind resources.
We are transparent in our decision-making process, and we strive to be good stewards and protectors of the natural resources we use. We will continue to consistently go where sustainability science leads.